
Steve Eaves has been a performing musician for over 40 years and became well known as a poet with the publication of his two volumes in Welsh, Noethni (1983) and Jazz yn y Nos (1986). Following the publication of his second volume of poems, he turned more and more towards his songs and music as a medium of artistic expression. The greatest influence on his work has always been and continues to be the blues. His poet’s sensibility is very much evident in his song-writing, as is the influence of jazz, folk and rock. He has released 9 albums of his original compositions since 1983 – among them Cyfalaf a Chyfaddawd (1985), Croendenau (1992), Y Canol Llonydd Distaw (1996), Iawn (1999) and Moelyci (2007).

Steve’s 9th album, Moelyci, released in 2007, was 6 years in the making and is considered one the high points of his career so far. The spring of 2011 saw the release of Ffoaduriaid’ (SAIN SCD 2633) (the title means “Refugees”) a comprehensive retrospective collection of Steve’s music featuring seven albums and various individual tracks released by Steve between 1984 a 1999.

Steve has a fine acoustic guitar-playing style and a sure sense of musicality, with a warm vocal delivery that has a bluesy rough edge. The members of his band, Rhai Pobl (Some People) are drawn from the Bangor / Bethesda area of Gwynedd, North Wales and include some of Wales’ finest contemporary musicians.
“Fashions come and go, but the fine songs of Steve Eaves will last as long as good music is appreciated.”

Steve writes and performs exclusively in the Welsh language, and his work is now being discovered and appreciated much wider afield.

In April 2011 Steve was presented with a special Radio Cymru award for his ‘lifetime contribution’ to Welsh music. The following year he won Radio Cymru’s Siart C2 Award as the artist who topped the contemporary music chart for the longest period during that year.

His work has become an inspiration to audiences of all ages and to a new generation of Welsh musicians. He is currently recording a new album.