What the critics said about Steve’s last album, Moelyci:
“This is one of the times when I dearly wish I was a fluent Welsh speaker because I’d love to follow this beautifully packaged album in its original language. Musically, I love it. From the lonesome cowboy harmonica of ‘Ymlaen Mae Canaan’ to the poetry of ‘Mesen’, Steve has put together an album of such diversity that a mainstream English label would run a mile. At the core of the band are multi-instrumentalist Elwyn Williams and drummer Gwyn Jones, equally capable of gentle ambient sounds and dirty rock’n’roll, while the title instrumental is reminiscent of Richard Thompson in lyrical mood.” ROCK’N’REEL
“O ran y pecynnu, y geiriau, y gerddoriaeth, y cynhyrchu, mae hi’n anhygoel. Yn bendant, hon ydi un o albyms gorau’r flwyddyn”. / “In terms of its packaging, the words, the music, the production, it’s astounding. This is undoubtedly one of the year’s best albums.” GOLWG
“From simple acoustic ballads to edgy blues-influenced tunes, one instrumental, plus one track that features poet Gerallt Lloyd Owen reading extracts from his classic poem “Y Gwladwr”. Production is crisp and clean, and the arrangements feature a backing of bass, drums, acoustic and electric guitars, fiddles, and backing vocals by Jackie Williams. …An enjoyable collection of modern Welsh music.
“An occasionally challenging listen…a more heartfelt album we are unlikely to hear from a Welsh artist this year”
“Fel cyfraniadau’r cerddorion oll, mae’r sain a swn yr offerynnau’n wych, a dwi ddim yn meddwl i mi glywed llais Steve Eaves – sy’n offeryn pwerus ac effeithiol ynddo’i hun – yn swnio mor dda erioed. Dydi’r gair ‘dilys’ ddim cweit yn cyfleu’r un ystyr â’r gair Saesneg ‘authentic’. A’r gair hwnnw sy’n mynnu dod i’r wyneb wrth wrando ar yr albym hon. Safon uchel, ‘authentic’, ac albym sy’n sefyll ysgwydd wrth ysgwydd â chynnyrch gorau unrhyw wlad yn y byd.”
(Like the contributions of the musicians themselves, the sound and quality of the instruments is fantastic, and I think I have never heard Steve Eaves’ voice –itself a powerful and effective instrument – sounding so good. The word ‘genuine’ could be used but doesn’t quite convey the sense of the word ‘authentic’. And that’s the word which constantly comes to mind when listening to this album. An authentic album of fine quality which stands shoulder to shoulder with the finest recordings of any country in the world.)
“On a personal note, I do have favorites. [Moelyci] is one of them!”